

Mindfulness Practices

Makom@Home – durring this time of social distancing, Adat Shalom is offering several meditation sessions, which are listed below.

Tuesdays, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Morning Meditation with Fran Zamore – In this particularly stressful time we have many ways to creatively come together and support one another. Please join us for meditation.Fran will start off with a little teaching and then we will meditate together. Those who have the time and interest can stay on longer to share. Fran anticipates that teaching and meditation will run about 30 minutes. All are welcome — no experience necessary. Please mute your mic when you come into the zoom meeting. You are encouraged to unmute during our discussion. We have found that background noises seem to be amplified on the zoom calls.

Makom@Adat Shalom is a program initiative in contemplative Jewish life, with opportunities to participate with mindfulness practices, some Jewish, such as contemplative chant, meditation and mussar study; and some originating outside of Judaism, such as hatha yoga, silent retreat and spiritual direction.

Makom Retreat – Both on-site and off-site, retreat opportunities to learn and deepen our practices and build community.

Makom Meditation – Guided meditation based on the Torah portion or other Jewish gateways. Join Fran Zamore the second Saturday of each month from 11:15 am-12:15 pm for an hour-long meditation appropriate for people new to meditation, as well as experienced meditators, with time for both meditation and discussion

Makom Sacred Chanting –  Meditative and ecstatic chanting to focus on a particular phrase or verse of sacred text, utilizing both sound and silence.

For questions, please contact us at

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