Reconstructing Judaism

Reconstructing Judaism is the central organization of the Reconstructionist movement. It trains the next generation of rabbis, support and uplift congregations and havurot, fosters emerging expressions of Jewish life, and encourages people to be their best selves — always helping to shape what it means to be Jewish today and to imagine the Jewish future.

Reconstructionists approach Judaism — and life — with deep consideration of the past and a passion to relate it to the present. We have originated many of the core innovations of today’s Judaism and lead efforts to make our congregations and havurot even more groundbreaking, inclusive and relevant.

Click here to read Eight Core Principles of Mordechai Kaplan’s Philosophy created by the Kaplan Center.


Reconstructing Judaism cultivates and supports Jewish living, learning and leadership for a changing world.


A more just and compassionate world where creative Jewish living and learning guide us toward lives of holiness, meaning and purpose.


We strive to realize these core values in every initiative and interaction:

  • Talmud Torah: Sacred Study – We delve into the wellsprings of our tradition, taking hold of Torah and challenging it to speak to our lives today.
  • Kedushah: Holiness – We open ourselves to manifestations of the divine as transmitted in our tradition and experienced in our lives.
  • Kehillah: Diverse and Inclusive Community – We build diverse, participatory, joy-filled communities that embrace Jews, seekers and our loved ones. As we encounter difference, we strive to respect each other’s voices, listening deeply and engaging with hesed (open and generous hearts).
  • Ahavat Yisrael: Hope and Healing – We act to bring about the vision that the Jewish people, in Israel and throughout the world, will flourish along with our neighbors in peace and security. We seek healing for the rending of our communities and our hearts.
  • Tzedek: Justice and Sustainability – We fight for justice, sustenance and dignity for all peoples. We work toward sustainability for our world.
  • Hiddush: Evolving Judaism – Inspired by Torah, the wider world and the Jewish people in all our diversity, we co-create new ways of expressing Jewishness.