
2024—2025 Officers & Board of Directors

You may reach any of our board members by emailing, or calling us at 301-767-3333 and leaving a message with our Administrative Staff.

President Shana Wagger
At-Large/Associate to the President Mark Klapow
Vice President, Development Greg Schofer
Vice President, Lifelong Jewish Learning Audrey Lyon
Vice President, Community Engagement Lauren Biel
Vice President, Personnel & Administration Jane Feldman
Vice President, Programming Cheryl Silver
Treasurer Murray Sacks
Secretary Ariel Ribeiro
At-Large/Vision and Innovations Nathan Siegel
At-Large/Tikkun Olam Anita Lampel
At-Large/Children, Youth and Family Engagement Ariel Levin
At-Large/Governance  Cate Whiting
Religious Practices Committee David Clopper
Past President(s) Judy Ackerman
Marci Greenstein