Adat Shalom Board and Program Council 2023-2024

June 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024

Board of Directors

Shana Wagger, President

Greg Schofer, VP/Development

Audrey Lyon, VP/Lifelong Jewish Learnng

Mark Klapow, VP/Community Engagement

Jane Feldman, VP/Personnel & Administration

Cheryl Sliver, VP/Programming

Kim Bayard, Treasurer

Dinah Leventhal, Secretary

Nathan Siegel, Vision and Innovations

Marilyn Kresky Wolff, Tikkun Olam

Ariel Levin, Children, Youth and Family Engagement

Cate Whiting, Governance

Kevin Teichman, Religious Practices

Judy Ackerman, Immediate Past President

Marci Greenstein, Immediate Past President

Program Council

Cheryl Silver, Chair, Program Council

Jesse Abraham, Finance

Kevin Teichman & Jennifer Sherman, Religious Practices

TBD, Limmud/Youth Advisory Committee

Jeff Rubin & Anita Lampel, Social Action

TBD, Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory

Gordon Myers, Israel Connection

TBD, Jewish Learning

Martha Hare & Neshama Solomon, Makom

Lauren Biel, Membership

TBD, Chesed (pending redefinition of role of committee)