Shabbat Voices 2025

Now in its third year, Adat Shalom’s Shabbat Voices welcomes guest speakers to our shabbat services. Throughout this year we will host a guest teacher, artist, or activist to share their unique perspectives and expertise with our community. 

In many ways, Shabbat Voices embodies a core concept of Reconstructionist Judaism. Mordecai Kaplan spoke of the richness of Jewish civilization; worship was only one facet of that civilization. Shabbat Voices will highlight our guests and will provide new ways to experience and engage with other elements of Jewish culture, learning, and spirituality beyond prayer.

November 22-23, 2024: Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann

Founding rabbi of Mishkan Chicago

Allan Schwarz Music Shabbaton. Underwritten by Rabbi Sid Schwarz and Sandy Perlstein

December 21, 2024: Hedy Schleifer

Founder of Encounter-centered Transformation; Internationally-renowned relationship trainer

Underwritten by Marla and Phil Zipin in memory of their parents, Micki and Marv Orchen and Bette and Marty Zipin

January 18, 2025: Rev. Dr. Cornell William Brooks

Former CEO of the NAACP; professor of public leadership and social justice at the Harvard Kennedy School

Underwritten by Bob Barkin in memory of his aunt, Doris Chortek

February 22, 2025: Avi Meyerstein

Founder and President of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP)

Underwritten by Tal and Steve Widdes in loving memory of Sheila Ben-Dashan 

March 15, 2025: Aaron Posner

Award-winning playwright, theatre director and teacher

Underwritten by Betsy and Jeff Toretsky in memory of Barbara Orden

May 3, 2025: Rabbi Jericho Vincent

Founding Rabbi, Temple of the Stranger, Brooklyn, NY

May 17, 2025: Ambassador Roberta Jacobson

Former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico and Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs

Underwritten by Ellen Pechman in honor of the Adat Shalom community and its founding values, which remain central to how we function today

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